About Us

Dr. Kedar Ganla

Scientific Director & Consultant Fertility Physician

Dr. Kedar Ganla, the founder of Ankoor Fertility Clinic, is recognized as one of the best IVF doctor in Mumbai. With over 25 years of experience as an MD Gynecologist, his expertise encompasses medical management, ART procedures, counseling for stress management, and lifestyle modification in infertility management. His innovative approach has benefited many patients, establishing Ankoor Fertility Clinic as the best IVF clinic in Mumbai. Since 1996, Dr. Kedar Ganla has been a pioneer in Assisted Reproductive Technology, offering personalized care and advanced medical technology to thousands of infertile patients.

Scientific Director & Consultant Fertility Physician

Dr Kedar Ganla Professional Expertise

  • Managing Committee Member of Mumbai Obstetrics & Gynecological Society (MOGS)
  • Managing Committee Member of the Indian Society of Assisted Reproduction (ISAR)
  • Honorary Secretary of the Association of Maharashtra Obstetrics and Gynecological Society (AMOGS)
  • Life member of the Mumbai Obstetrics and Gynecological Society (MOGS) since 1993.
  • Member of The Managing Committee of the Mumbai Obstetrics and Gynecological Society (MOGS) 1997 till date.
  • Life member of the Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecological Society of India (FOGSI) since 1993.
  • Member of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology since 2002
  • Life Member of the Indian Society of Assisted Reproduction, since 2000.
  • Member of the Art of Living Foundation leads by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.

Additional Information of best IVF doctor in Mumbai :

  • Invited speaker at various International conferences & CMEs:
  • ASPIRE 8th Annual conference (2018) – Talk on “Unexplained recurrent pregnancy loss- Is it the soil or the seed”, 13-15th April, 2008, at Taipie, Taiwan.
  • Kenya (2017) – Spoke on various topics like “Male infertility – Diagnosis & Management” , “ovulation induction in ART” , “ Optimisation of gametes”, “lifestyle factors in ART” at a three-day symposium organized by Harleys Limited on Assisted Reproductive technology.
  • Bangladesh (2017) – Invited speaker & coordinator for IVF / ICSI conference for local gynecologists of Bangladesh. International Conference on infertility and IVF held on 25- 26th April 2018, organized by Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, institute of Child and Mother Health, Matuail, Dhaka
  • Sri Lanka College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists (2008) – He was invited for the prestigious oration for the Prof .D.E. Gunathilake Memorial Symposium at Sri Lanka on the subject “Evaluation of Endometrium and its role in Implantation”
  • Yuva Fogsi Oration –2010 Prestigious oration By Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecology of India (FOGSI) for the young and academically acclaimed students. He was selected as the best candidate in India for this oration on the subject “Modern Management of the Infertile Man”.
  • He has been conducting Infertility awareness program for General practitioners, family physicians, gynecologist, and patients.
  • He has conducted more than 100 Live IUI workshops and is invited as a speaker for many Conferences and workshops in different parts of India.

Social work :

Being one of the best IVF doctor in Mumbai, shoulders the dual responsibility of excellence in fertility treatment and giving back to society. Through his initiative, the Dr. Ganatra Charitable Medical Centre, he organizes free medical camps specifically for women above the age of 40. These camps offer crucial screenings such as Haemoglobin levels, Random blood sugar tests, Weight and body mass index evaluations, Blood pressure checks, and bone densitometry for osteoporosis assessment.

Dr. Ganla’s camps are instrumental in early detection and treatment of various medical conditions, significantly enhancing the quality of life for women. Moreover, these sessions provide essential education on health topics, including screening for genital and breast cancers to facilitate early intervention. Dr. Ganla also imparts knowledge on nutrition, weight management programs, and the latest family planning methods, aiming to empower women with the tools to improve their overall well-being.

Recognizing his significant contributions, the Mumbai Obstetrics and Gynaecological Society has honored Dr. Ganla with prestigious awards, such as the MOGS – Dr. Ganatra Charitable Medical Centre Award for Best Social Activity and, twice, the Dr. Duru Shah Best Committee Award. His dedication to both medical excellence at one of the best IVF clinics in Mumbai and compassionate social outreach underscores his commitment to advancing women’s health and community welfare. Through his leadership at the best IVF clinic in Mumbai, Dr. Ganla continues to contribute to the well-being of his patients and the broader community.

Extra-Curricular Achievements:

Dr. Kedar Ganla, renowned as one of the best IVF doctor in Mumbai, combines his expertise in fertility treatments with a deep commitment to stress management and meditation. As a member of the Art of Living foundation, he dedicates his leisure time to understanding and alleviating the mental stress experienced by infertile couples. Dr. Kedar emphasizes the importance of lifestyle modifications and stress reduction alongside medical treatment for infertility, believing in a holistic approach to patient care.

As a founder of the best IVF centre in Mumbai, Dr. Kedar Ganla is also the co-founder of the Mumbai Gynecologists Natak Company. Through this platform, he raises awareness on crucial social issues such as female foeticide and girl empowerment. Their skits, addressing topics like medicolegal challenges in medical practice, recurrent pregnancy loss, and infertility, portray real-life scenarios. These performances serve as educational tools for the general public, medical professionals, and postgraduate students alike.

Dr. Kedar Ganla’s dedication to patient care and advocacy extends beyond his role as a practitioner. His contributions to the field of reproductive medicine have earned him recognition among the best IVF clinics in Mumbai. At the best IVF clinic in Mumbai, he continues to provide compassionate care and innovative treatments to his patients, ensuring they receive the highest quality of care.