IUI with or without ovarian stimulation is a common treatment for infertility
Aim of the iui training workshop is to train and update gynecologists in latest treatment available for treating infertile couple and to ensure high quality training experience
Topics like ovulation induction semen analysis, sperm preparation technique, procedure of iui and newer advances in assisted reproductive techniques are discussed at length.
We have conducted more than 50 iui workshops and trained more than 200 doctors on one on basis with hands on clinical training who run successful infertility clinics all over the country today.
Guided candidates are aided to understand and confidently perform the procedures.
Course schedule
Information about lab set up, equipment, media handling, semen collection, delivery
Macroscopic and microscopic semen examination
Morphological sperm analysis
Sperm preparation techniques.
Lecture by Dr. Kedar Ganla on gynecological aspect of infertility management including patient selection, ovulation induction and insemination techniques